Nevada City Rotarian Nancy Kemp and Seven Hills Middle School Teacher Leslie May held an orientation for the students and parents of the 2023-24 members of the Girls Who Code Club on October 24, 2023 at Seven Hills.
Twelve girls, grades 6 - 8, are signed up for the club.  They will learn how to code in several computer languages and be inspired by the stories of successful women in the tech industry. They will learn to support each other and work as a team.  
At the orientation the girls were able to register their membership on the national Girls Who Code website, see some of the upcoming programing tasks, play an icebreaker game for team building and get a copy of the schedule. Classes will be on Tuesdays from 3:00 - 5:00 at the library at Seven Hills and Nancy is looking for Rotarians to bring snacks each week.  Let Nancy know if you are able to help.  
Big thanks to Nancy Kemp and Leslie May for their hard work and support of this project.
Dave Bunge, our Rotary president who lead our first club, sent Nancy a note thanking us for sustaining the club.  He included an article from the New York Times congratulating Reshma Saujani, the  Founder of the Girls Who Code organization, on a recent award she had won. Thank you Nancy for organizing snacks each week!