You have heard about our Pumpkins for Polio Project for several months now. Are you curious to see how your apprentice farmer Rotarians are doing, or what we are doing every Tuesday morning? Well, wonder no longer. We are hosting an Open Pumpkin Patch/Pond Party this coming Tuesday morning (September 12th) at BakBraken Acres (the location of the Pumpkin Patch). We will work our regular morning in the field starting at 7:30am and then, around 9:30 a.m. or so, we will adjourn to the beautiful pond area to enjoy light brunch snacks and good conversation in a peaceful setting. Join us for work or just for snacks and play!
Menu includes fresh raspberry and blackberry scones with berry sauces and crème fraîche, watermelon slices, cheese squares and fresh hummus with veggies.
We will provide food but bring your own beverage of choice. If you would like to attend, please reply to let Cathy or Robin know so we can plan enough food. Also, if you need more information, please contact one of us. We look forward to hosting you in a beautiful setting and, hopefully, inspiring a few new farmer apprentices for next year.
More on the project at Pumpkins For Polio.
For directions,
The address is 14283 Judy Lane, Grass Valley, CA  95945. Directions:  Take Hwy. 174 toward Colfax. Just before you get to the curve before Happy Apple Kitchen turn right onto Power Line Road. In less than ½ mile, Power Line Road intersects with Lower Colfax Highway. Cross Lower Colfax and the gravel road is Judy Lane. Take the 2nd left (we’ll have a sign) by a big 10 MPH sign, which will take you to the parking area down by the pond.
Just a note: there is no bathroom by the pond, it is up by the tank house, but someone will be glad to show you should the need arise.
We hope you will join us for fun and play around the pumpkin patch and pond!