As of April 13, we are moving to TJ’s Roadhouse of Nevada City at the Creekside for 2nd and 4th Thursday 12:15pm lunch meetings.

As we transition to TJ’s Roadhouse for our noon meetings, some things will naturally change.
Each meeting, TJ’s will be giving us 3 menu items from which to choose. We’ll be publishing those choices in the Rotario and asking that each member and guest choose one item when they RSVP, using a similar method to the way we have been responding for our meetings at Bistro 221.
Each person attending will need to RSVP through our website by noon Wednesday the previous day, so that we can give TJ’s our total order the afternoon before our meeting.
The menu will include burgers, hot dogs, BLTs, beef dip, pulled pork, grilled cheese and other sandwiches, salads, etc. At least one vegetarian item will be available each week. Coffee and cold drinks will be included. Those who don’t order a meal will not count in the club 15-person minimum.
The cost for the meal will be $25 per person including tax and gratuity, payable to our treasurer at the meeting.
TJ’s doesn’t charge for the use of the room. Let’s be flexible and enjoy our new surroundings.
TJ’s Roadhouse of Nevada City at the Creekside is located at 101 Broad Street, Nevada City – formerly home to Lefty’s Grill. We will be meeting in the front room adjacent to Sacramento Street.
After a wonderful run at Bistro 221 we have outgrown the back room. A big thank you to Bistro 221 Melissa Bryant and her staff who have been so very welcoming for each of our lunch meetings.
Our 1st and 3rd Thursday 5:30pm Socials will continue to be at Round Table Pizza.