Rotary Ramblers rocked’ on Sugarloaf!

Kelly Babineau, Dave Brown, Robin Milam, Tom Ryan, Dennis Geare, Cathy Wilcox-Barnes, Chris Newsom, Chris’s sister Gretchen, and Walt Stickel
Nine Rotarians (and family members) braved a cold morning as we hiked to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain on Saturday, November 25th. We had a great hike and were rewarded with awesome views of Nevada City and the Yuba River Canyon, not to mention the fun fellowship. With Cathy at the lead, respits were filled with all sorts of historical tidbits about Sugarloaf, Nevada City, hydraulic mining and more! Along the way we scouted potential locations for our second Trex bench. After snacks and a few pictures at the top, we were back to our cars before noon.
Checkout Club Ramblings at Rotary Rambler Photo Album
More on Sugarloaf
Mother Nature is gently doing her thing this weekend. This is not a wet trail, rainy day hike.
Round Mountain to Edwards Crossing Here We Come -- At a Later Date
Who: Nevada City Rotary friends and family
When: Saturday December 2, 2023, 8:00am
Being Rescheduled - watch for new date
Meet Up: Rood Center Parking (in front of Wayne Brown Jail)
Bring: Water, snack, lunch, and walking sticks if you use them
Wear: Sturdy hiking shoes with good tread; layered clothing
Expect: Round Mtn is 2 miles downhill then 3+ miles along South Yuba Rim trail
Intermediate challenge, narrow trail along river
Our hike planned for Saturday, December 2, 2023 is being postponed. Once weather clears, we will be doing a shuttle hike from Round Mountain to Edwards Crossing (approximately 7-8 miles). If you would like to join us, we will meet at the Rood Center parking lot (yes, this time we won’t change meet-up spots) at 8:00 a.m. and carpool to Edwards to drop a car and then on to the trailhead at Round Mountain for a 9:00 a.m. (or earlier) departure. Make sure you bring water, a snack and lunch to enjoy along the way. This is a beautiful hike through forests of oak, pine and madrone and along the river canyon to Edwards. If you want to join us or have any questions, please contact Cathy Wilcox-Barnes (263-2496 or

Start: U.S. Forest Service Parking Lot
631 Coyote St. (at Hwy 49)
Nevada City, CA 95959
631 Coyote St. (at Hwy 49)
Nevada City, CA 95959
Click for Google Map
When: 9:00am, Saturday, November 25, 2023
Who: Nevada City Rotary, family and friends
Guidance from Cathy for Rambler treks:
- Bring trekking poles if you want for coming back downhill.
- Bring water, a snack and a camera if you would like, and come have fun with your Rotary family.
- Go ahead and have that 2nd piece of pumpkin pie – join us and you’ll burn off the calories on a fun morning hike.
- Wear your Rotary shirt and be Rotary proud!!

Kelly Babineau, Walt Stickel and Cathy Wilcox Barnes headed out across Round Mountain on Sunday November 5 to relaunch our Club Rambles!
Click for more photos at Rotary Rambler Photo Album