Nevada City Rotary has pledged $1,000 toward a District Global Grant to fund the cost of providing MOBILE CLINICS to Ukraine.
Each Clinic will cost $42,500. The unit cost covers the initial stocking and training of staff. After that the Mobile Clinic is owned by the regional hospital and it’s the Ukrainian hospital’s responsibility to maintain and resupply the unit.
With support from District Governor Jeff Gabriel and our District Rotary Foundation Committee, District 5190 is reaching out to determine which clubs might be interested in providing funding for such a project to pursue a Global Grant. The objective is to have our clubs commit to a total of $15,200. The district will match the clubs’ contributions with the same amount, and The Rotary Foundation would match 80% of the clubs’ contributions.
Click here for the full financial details and here for an inventory list of what the mobile clinics will include.