As you have seen on the news, the situation in Maui is catastrophic - so much devastating, heartbreaking loss, something many in our District, tragically, have experienced firsthand. We know how much each and every gift will help.
To donate through Rotary District 5000 visit:
On behalf of DG Stacy, we are including the letter Hawaii's District Governor Mark sent Thursday August 10 with how to contribute to Create Hope for Maui. Let's stand together in action as well as in our hearts.
With many thanks and much love,


As people of action, we can take immediate action. As we come together to recover and rebuild, we need to support each other. We need to Create Hope for Maui.
Through our Rotary District 5000 Foundation, a relief fund has been established. Foundation President Dave Hamil and Treasurer Sharon Amano will handle all donations. The Rotary District 5000 Foundation is a 501c3 organization and all donations are considered charitable.
A committee will be organized shortly to find the greatest needs for distribution of monies. Monies will be used to make the largest impact based on needs and will be sustainable. A single fund will be the most helpful over time to provide the greatest significant benefits.
Please consider donating to this special fund. Hyperlink and QR code are included with this note.
DG Mark Merriam