Good morning.

She asked me to give a shout out to some key members of our Club and also wanted to tell us our club is a great example of what a Rotary family looks like: people from all walks of life, coming together as friends to have fun and celebrate Rotary and what Rotary can do around the world. She said, "after all, I am RI's World Goodwill Ambassador, so I should know!"
First, she said to thank Chris and Carolyn for securing such a great place to have the party, (other than it being a bit difficult for her to hitch a ride all the way out there when she kept asking to go to the Five Mile House and they said it was the Wheelhouse!) She heard that Tom, Walt and Chris came out early and helped Judy turn the place into a Holiday postcard. The decorations, table settings and everything were perfect! She appreciated Walt's attempt to do music but, being a hi-tech expert herself, she understands the difficulties in syncing equipment and then having it un-sync when you want to play it.

She wanted to give a special thanks to that young fellow, Bink Milam, for helping her photograph the event. When she gets to a computer, she'll download the pictures from the floppy and send them Robin for your archives. Tell Bink she understands families and nicknames, she has a brother Bobo and a nephew Bumper so who is she to judge a name like Bink!
Most of all, she would like to thank all the Rotary Club members and spouses and special guests who showed up and participated in the games with such gusto and brought so much delicious food. (She put some food into her bag on the way out the door.) She did note that we need to have a little discussion with a couple of PDG's and a DGN about ethics in gamesmanship.

If she forgot anyone to thank, she said you have to forgive her because she's of an age where memory isn't quite what it used to be so she gets a pass. She also wanted to tell you all to keep up the good work. She'll try to drop by and see you next time she passes through the area.