Nevada County Youth Commission, Citizen's Academy and Career Technical Education
Feb 13, 2025 12:15 PM
Jeff Dellis and Mackenzie
Nevada County Youth Commission, Citizen's Academy and Career Technical Education

Mackenzie is a Senior and Student Body President at Nevada Union High School, as well as founder and 2 term Chair of the Nevada County Youth Commission.

Jeff Dellis is Career Technical Education/Youth Leadership Development Project Coordinator for Nevada County Youth Commission (NCYC).

Jeff is a long time Nevada Union High Schoolteacher/coach/athletic director. He helped create and coordinates NCYC., finds and helps place local Career Technical Education students into internships and supports Nevada County’s Citizen’s Academy.

The Nevada County Youth Commission is a group of Nevada County Youth that either reside within Nevada County and/or students enrolled in a Nevada County school system, ages 14 to 19. Our mission statement is to identify, connect, and advocate for the issues facing Nevada County Youth The purpose of the NCYC is to serve as a bridge between the youth and the Board of Supervisors, while advocating for Nevada County youth and providing recommendations to the Board of Supervisors to facilitate positive change